Kombucha: Friend or Foe?

Kombucha: Friend or Foe?

Kombucha: Friend or Foe? 150 150 nykkihardin

Kombucha: Friend or Foe?

The answer?  Probably Both.

Oh the fun of navigating our food supply, sifting through confusing marketing and product information, and experimenting with the “healthy food choices.” A personal story….

About six weeks ago I decided to do an experiment – my plan was to drink 1/2-1 bottle of Kombucha a day for one month to see just how true this whole “probiotic” drink phenomenon was for MY body. You see, before this I never really bought into it. But until I try something, how can I really know if it is true for me?  So I set off…

The first few days were tough to get through even half a bottle. But within a week, I was downin’ one full bottle and making it look easy.  I started making extra trips to the store to stock up and was even craving the little elixirs from the minute I woke. An addictive behavior began developing. There is an important word in that last sentence:CRAVING.

At this point, I also began to notice a mild changes in my body. I felt slightly bloated and gassy, but didn’t make the connection. I also began to crave sugar – not sweet – SUGAR.

By the end of two weeks time, I was salivating for processed candy bars. My stomach was so distended from gas it was painful and alarming. My housekeeper asked, “Oh my Gosh, look at your belly! What’s going on with you? Are you pregnant?”

My sleep had also become severely disrupted. I lay awake at night surrounded by a continual buzz around me. There was activity and movement in my body. The pain from the distention was tremendously uncomfortable.

AND, while this may be TMI, I was backed up — we are talking NO MOVEMENT! When I finally had some elimination, it was painful and accompanied by blood.  I did not know for the life of me what was going on with my body!!  And then it finally occurred to me in an ah-ha moment…

The only thing I had changed in my diet was adding ONE, DAILY Kombucha. 

Suddenly it all made sense. I was putting bacteria in my body that it did not need nor want, and that was not right for it. This explained the buzzing, the gas and distention, the blood, and the sugar cravings!  I also explained lower energy levels because the bacteria was feeding off the nutrients meant for my body.

This experiment was for the health of my GI tract, supporting my intestines in having healthy bacteria, and investigating the Kombucha phenomenon. Obviously this was not the experience I was hoping to have. I did not feel it was needed- I have a ton of energy and almost never get sick, but I always like to try new products in search for added solutions.  I want to be the best coach possible, and that means more tools in my arsenal.

So I have eliminated the Kombucha, and already I feel better. It’s only been a week, and now I get the pleasure of riding my system of what I thought would be so beneficial. The positive: this is helping me be a better coach. As a result, I now have an idea what is feels like to live with Candida. I am also on the hunt for a long-term product solution to eliminate this from the system, and so far this little investigator has found some interesting solutions!! STAY TUNED – I am on to a good anti-candida, long term solution!!

Normally I would just jump on the Reset Self Cleanse and kick start this by wiping it out. But I just finished the cleanse before the starting the experiment. While I am obviously a HUGE advocate of the cleanse, you also have to be mindful of allowing the body to rest.  Its the same principle as working out.

Additionally, severe candida requires long-term attention and treatment. The cleanse is a great way to knock it on its booty and kick start treatment, but after we need a supplement and nutrition program for longer term daily integration. Not to worry — I am ON TOP OF IT!  You better believe I want this shit out of my body, and I know you do to! And I have found something very interesting! But it is not time to share this with all of you just yet as I have not been using it long enough to truly know its effectiveness and long-standing abilities.

All of this said, I share this story in the hopes of increasing your awareness of what is going in your body and the potential impacts it may be having. Also, know that what is right for one person is not necessarily right for another! Do not fall for marketing ploys and confusing research “Studies.” Please be mindful of what you are putting consuming – from food to drink to supplement and know how it is affecting you. Work with someone you trust who understands your body and your situation.

And for those Kombucha loving, carbonation sipping mongrils out there that do well on this tasty elixir — I toast with YOU, and secretly long for that little burn down the back of my throat.  HE HE

Besos mi amores!

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