What Makes Nykki’s Cleanse Different?

What Makes Nykki’s Cleanse Different?

What Makes Nykki’s Cleanse Different? 150 150 nykkihardin

Cleansing is way beyond the point of being a fad, and because of this there is a lot of competition.  I am always asked in interviews and conversations what sets Nykki’s Cleanse apart.  Please read below to understand the value one receives when they embark upon the Nykki’s Cleanse journey.
What sets Nykki’s Cleanse apart from other cleanses on the market? 

1) Nykki’s Cleanse uses the absolute highest quality herbal supplements on the market.  You will not find any herbal medicines as powerful and effective.  Nykki’s Cleanse Liver & Bowel Tonics are made with 100% organic or wild-crafted ingredients, 3rd party tested for heavy metals, including aluminum, lead and cadmium, aflotoxin, arsenic, e.coli, and micro bacteria.  They are also liquid so they are the most absorbable by the body.  There is nothing as pure and effective as our products.  All my clients notice the effects immediately upon ingestion.

You MUST use herbal supplements to repair the body, and most cleanses on the market use supplements loaded with heavy metals, binders and fillers, additives and artificial ingredients.  These are found in all powders and pills.  They are also loaded with Genetically Modified Ingredients, which are basically ingredients disguised as Round Up, the fertilizer used to kill insects.  Putting these ingredients in the body are only contributing to the original problem.

2) Nykki’s Cleanse is one of the only cleanses that works to not only clean out the body, but to simultaneously rebuild the system.  Our program restores the Liver (the main organ responsible for detoxification, energy production, and much more), repairs the gut, cleanses the colon, increases the Ph in the body, reduces inflammation in the system, resorts the endocrine system, eliminates brain fog, reduces cortisol and adrenaline levels, tackles parasites, bacteria, and candida, and more.  We cover the entire body, start to finish to ensure a clean slate and fresh start.

3) You eat on Nykki’s Cleanse, and there is no deprivation within the guidelines provided.  This is to retrain the body to experience food as fuel, to understand what actually nourishes it, and to support clients in creating new habits and behaviors.  Not eating keeps people in a good/bad mindset around food, keeping them trapped in the psychological battle of deprivation, judgement, and lack of self-care.   The program is set up specifically to reconnect cleansers with a real practice of self-care, nurturance, self-trust, and thus, self-love.  This helps them to develop a health relationship with their body and with food.    
4) The formulas and the program also brilliantly retains the palate and the taste bids to crave the foods that fuel it and that keep the metabolism firing.  This ends the war with cravings and addictions.  

5) Finally, all my cleansers are fully supported by either me or one of my trained professionals.  Every cleanser has their own personal coach with unlimited email support and 2 coaching calls to assist in their success in our program.  Support is a critical component for success in everything we do.  We value our clients, and do everything we can to ensure they have a successful cleanse.  

All of these elements combined is why most clients are losing 12-22 lbs in 2 weeks, experience massive mental clarity, freedom from stress and anxiety, sleeping like a baby, have radiant skin and eyes, and have so much energy they feel like a teenager again!  I have one client that is down 60 lbs in one year sticking to the Nykki’s Cleanse lifestyle program, and this is after battling weight for over 8 years due to cervical cancer and numerous other health complications including thyroid imbalance.  I even have one client whose cholesterol dropped 70 points after one cleanse, another that finally understands how to eat for optimum health, managing diabetes. 


Everything about the program is specific and strategic, and is all based on science.  The herbs, the foods, and the timing, and the support come together to create a physical, mental, and emotional healing experience so that clients can lead a spiritually driven life.  

And this is exactly why Nykki’s Cleanse is different.  

If you feel connected to this joinery, and are ready for the experience, please visit:


Or please email me any questions as I am here to help however I can!



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