Relax and Revel in the Uncertainty of Life
Water sports have always been some of my most favorite activities and almost every day I go snorkeling at a small beach nearby because it has few tourists and is one of the better places in terms of underwater life. The time in the water is probably my absolute favorite time of day; it is the first thing on my mind from the moment I wake and as the window of opportunity arises to once again convene with the healing power of the ocean, my excitement and eagerness can become overwhelming. I share this to help describe that these waters are quite familiar territory and have been chartered many times.
Today was different in that, for the first time in six weeks, the water had close to zero visibility. Regardless of the lack of “visible” entertainment, I still desired to swim and enjoy the freedom of movement in the water. The swim was awesome and felt amazing until about half way through, I started to become a bit fearful, thinking that the water may not be deep enough and I may kick a rock or piece of coral and cut my leg or foot. Of course it is always very important to be careful and cautious, however, I have been in these waters enough times to know that there was nothing to worry about– the fear was all in my mind and it was taking the enjoyment out of a very pleasurable experience. After having a conversation with myself, I slowly dismissed the idea and happily continued on my way. It was fascinating to “watch” the thoughts and to be able to overcome the fear.
Later I got to reflecting on the experience and how it was an analogy for life. The only thing that is certain in our existence here on this planet is that nothing is certain. Regardless of how much we plan our days, weeks, months, etc, we cannot be sure that everything is going to workout exactly as we “hope” or think. Regardless of this uncertainty, every day we get out of bed and face the unknown– sometimes with zest, sometimes with dread, sometimes with fear, sometimes with courage…. And often times with all of the above. The uncertainty is actually very exciting and what makes life interesting, however, the “not knowing” can also be intimidating and scary because once again, we do not KNOW. We have had this same experience everyday, these are not unchartered territories, and the fear is something that we create in our mind– putting energy into an outcome that we do not want. If we can learn to relax and breathe into this fear, we remember that we are safe and that life is actually quite fun and exciting. The fear is never going to disappear, and the more and more content we can become with the uncertainty, and the less we try to control the outcome of situations, the more we are able to relax and feel the joy and freedom and embrace the flow. When we learn that the only true security we have is our own state of inner contentment, then we are able to revel in every waking moment and appreciate the beauty and abundance.
Yes, I will fear this fear of uncertainty (the ocean), and regardless of the lack of visibility, will swim through it in order to let it pass, reminding the emotion that it is not powerful and I can transcend the experience, remembering that I have been in these same waters every day and chose to feel the excitement and the happiness and the joy of it all!
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