Think You Have Allergies? Consider This…

Think You Have Allergies? Consider This…

Think You Have Allergies? Consider This… 150 150 nykkihardin

Think You Have Allergies? Consider This…

Those itchy eyes, sneeze attacks, and sniffles may not be a sign of the season or something that runs in the family…  Please read this powerful story if you or a loved one suffers from any type of allergy.
 Last week I received an email from a client who was on the tail end of her cleanse. By this time she had significantly cleaned out her body, and she had been eating 100% organic for nearly three weeks.

On this particular day she decided to have lunch at California Chick Cafe, where she proceeded to order only a veggie salad w/o dressing, and to bring her own avocado. Healthy right? Guess again. She ate the salad, noting the taste and the flavor was subpar, and returned to the office.

Just after her return, she was immediately sideswiped by a severe sinus attack. The attack was so intense, she was forced to leave work and headed home for a eucalyptus steam. At 2 am, out of desperation to cope with her suffering, she opted to take Advil Sinus.  The next morning she woke feeling much better and continued on as normal.  

Lets look at this more closely:

1) A clean, strong, vibrant body free of toxicity is exposed to conventionally grown food and possibly GMO ingredients.

2) Immediately the body goes into repair mode in order to deal with the foreign substances and has an allergic reaction expressed via a sinus attack.

3) Person is forced to take OTC medicine in order to cope with the symptoms created by the standard American Food Supply.  

Can you see the effect our food supply is having on our body and our overall health? Can you see how this effect is causing us to reach for OTC medication in order to deal with the response our body takes?  Misery = Money.

This is real and it is happening before our very eyes. The chemicals and pesticides in our conventionally grown, nutritionally void food is inhibiting our body’s ability to function and to heal naturally. These substances block the metabolic reactions in the body, causing unnecessary allergic reactions, sleepless nights, mood swings, hormone imbalance, and brain fog so we aren’t awake enough to see what is really going on.  It is a vicious cycle.

If our food feeds our cells, and we are eating food with mutated genes (GMOs) and chemicals, doesn’t it make sense that our cells will become mutated as well? Guess what this leads to? Look at the statistics in preventable disease and cancer rated over the past two decades. This is alarming!

I share all of this because – PLEASE – if nothing else, educate yourself on what is going into your mouth. It will not only protect you, it will protect your wallet.  Is that incentive enough?

If you or someone you know is suffering and looking for help, or simply looking to get on track with their health, please do not hesitate to take advantage of my FREE 30 Minute one-on-one consultation.  We will discuss your current health situation and goals, and I will offer any guidance I can to help you on your path. This can be easily arranged by reserving your time online at  

For those of you are interested in learning more about what is going on in our food supply, how this is affecting our body, and to how to navigate this crazy world so you can live with strong, vibrant health, and not be victimized by marketing ploys and misinformation, stay tuned! This is what I do all day every day, and I am going to share everything I know in a webinar in June called “5 Weeks To Freedom.” This webinar will provide you with a wealth of information, practical tools, and tips and tricks so you can feel confident about how to take care of you and your family to the best of your ability.   

I send big hugs and wishes of health and happiness to all of you!  Be educated, and choose mindfully!!  YOU DESERVE IT!!


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