Wellness Resolution Goals: Are You Making Progress?

Wellness Resolution Goals: Are You Making Progress?

Wellness Resolution Goals: Are You Making Progress? 150 150 nykkihardin

Wellness Resolution Goals: Why is it so hard to keep on track?  Don’t fret we have some tips to get you over the hump!

Its hard to believe, but we are already half way through the first month of the year!!  My apologies to be the one to bring this to your attention, but how we start the year is a big indicator of how the rest of the year will progress.  Curious to know — are you staying committed to your health goals?

If you are like most people I have spoken to, your personal & wellness resolutions/goals/ideas have already been steam rolled by Work, Festivities, and the Business of Life.    

Yes it is important for us to make money and grow professionally.  Yes it is important to play and to meet our daily responsibilities.  But Self-Care & Self-Nurturance are equally as important and should be at the top of the list.  

When we take care of our body with healthy eating, regular exercise, and quiet time to nourish our Spirit, our vessel becomes stronger and more capable.  INPUT affects OUTPUT.  Prioritizing our own wellness should be at the top of the list because it empowers us to be the best version of ourselves, to realize our life goals, and to be of greater value to those around us.   

If life has already run you over, perhaps try small habits as a stepping stone.  Here are a few simple suggestions that are realistic and easy to integrate:

1. Hydrate – SO IMPORTANT!  And easy!  If it gets boring, add a slice of cucumber, lemon, mint, celery, raspberries, blueberries….  This will make it much more intoxicating.  

2. Sleep – Sleep is the EASIEST and CHEAPEST health secret out there. It regulate the appetite, stabilizes mood, increases concentration & energy levels…  Do your best to get 7-8 hours a night if possible.  To realize this, create boundaries from your mobile device an hour before you plan to sleep so you can start to “shut down.”

3. Set Realistic Exercise Goals – you’ve got to move your body.  Even just a little.  Choose goals and activities that fuel you and resonate for you!  If it is dancing, take dance classes.  If it is running, lace up your sneakers and get outside!  Even if it is a simple walk, just DO it!  🙂

4. Integrate ONE green per day – Greens are the most amazing superfood we have at our fingertips.   If you can integrate just one green something a day into your diet — spinach, kale, swiss chard, spring mix, arugula….  you get the point, now just do it.  

5. BE RAZOR FOCUSED IN YOUR PLAN TO MEET YOUR GOALS  — Fail to Plan, and you Plan to Fail.  Plain and simple.  This means not just stating the number of workouts you are going to do, and the type, but actually determining which days and the times you are going to do it!  If you are adding a green into your diet, what does that look like EVERY day.  We MUST have a plan, and it MUST be detailed.

One of the reasons Nykki’s Cleansers succeed in realizing their goals – losing the weight, increasing their energy, sleeping like a baby, FEELING LIKE A ROCK STAR, creating new healthy habits, is because they have a STRATEGY….  a GAME PLAN that sets them up for success.  Not only that, because they are eating the entire time and get to Choose their foods, their nutrition choices are on their terms.  It is not MY plan & MY terms, it is THEIR terms according to the program guidelines.

What is the value of this?  When you are involved, you are making the choices that work for you, and you are learning how to make new healthy choices in your life while in a variety of different situations.  

Breaking habits is one of the most challenging things to do, but it is absolutely possible and I see it time and time again.  All you need is a plan of action, the mental commitment, and then to willingness to pull the trigger. 

It is not that hard, and you can absolutely do anything you set your mind to!  If you have found that you are already falling off track, or are needing that little kick start to set the wheels in motion – I am here for you!!  Take the plunge, jump on board, and join me in my new years cleanse!!


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