Fear Our Biggest Obstacle

Fear Our Biggest Obstacle 150 150 nykkihardin

Fear Our Biggest Obstacle As I re-enter and explore the Western world and observe the actions and mentality of those around me, I am continually amazed at how fear driven our society has become.  Perhaps it is merely human nature,…

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Love: The Ultimate Treasure

Love: The Ultimate Treasure 150 150 nykkihardin

originally posted 01/17/2012 The breath is a treasure map that leads directly to the treasure chest, and the contents of the chest?  The heart of course!  Got it?  LOVE is the ultimate treasure!  That is what we are all here…

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The Breath

The Breath 150 150 nykkihardin

01/12/2010 It all starts with the breath, it is the ultimate guide to the truth.

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Internal Wisdom

Internal Wisdom 150 150 nykkihardin

01/08/2010 Even the best teacher cannot teach you anything new, all they can do is remind you of what you already know.  Free your internal wisdom, let it out to the world, and allow your voice to be heard!

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Step into the Flow

Step into the Flow 150 150 nykkihardin

01/06/2010 When you flow with the breath it allows you to connect with and come to understand the language of your body; this process is the guide to seamlessly step into the flow of life.

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The Beauty Of Aging

The Beauty Of Aging 150 150 nykkihardin

09/09/2009 The older I get, the more authentic I become.  Why?  Because every day I am truer to myself, embracing my essence and letting my light shine to the world.

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Flexibility is the Key to Success

Flexibility is the Key to Success 150 150 nykkihardin

09/06/2009 On the mat the other day, for the life of me I could not catch my balance in warrior three.  How many times had I been in this pose, what was the problem?  Watching the weight in my foot…

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Feed Your Soul, Find Something You Love and Do It!

Feed Your Soul, Find Something You Love and Do It! 150 150 nykkihardin

Feed Your Soul, Find Something You Love and Do It! After a long dry spell from participating in one of my favorite past times, I finally crumbled and set aside three hours and went to the cinema.  Taking a risk…

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