Posts Tagged :

how to heal anxiety

Are you struggling to get what you want? 1024 542 nykkihardin

Are you struggling to get what you want?

Need some help getting what you want? Then definitely check out this video. Because if you struggle to create success or actually have what you want, most likely you are…

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The Most Powerful Way to Find Clarity 1024 528 nykkihardin

The Most Powerful Way to Find Clarity

If you are an overachiever who feels stuck and unclear in what is next, or if you regularly allow fear to keep you paralyzed and worried about making a mistake,…

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How to heal the pain of rejection 1024 530 nykkihardin

How to heal the pain of rejection

Rejection can be one of the most painful things to experience that many people hold on to and struggle with their entire lives. But there is actually a very easy…

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How Perfection & Over-Correction Keep You Stuck and Miserable. 150 150 nykkihardin

How Perfection & Over-Correction Keep You Stuck and Miserable.

Do you struggle with perfectionism?  Do you hold yourself victim to “Over-Correction,” which is simply a pattern of unconscious protection. I am seeing these patterns A LOT in my Coaching practice…

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