Take control of your mind, or someone else will

Take control of your mind, or someone else will

Take control of your mind, or someone else will 1024 532 nykkihardin

Today I have a story for you that will totally change how you engage in conversation with others – helping you avoid the pitfall of allowing other people to infiltrate your mind with their projections and limitations.

Don’t fall into the trap of letting your emotions be controlled by what other people think and say. Watch this video and learn how to think for yourself.

I had a conversation with a woman yesterday on a complimentary “discovery call” for coaching and she was really upset. She’s going through a major life transition as well as a coming of age stage, two very challenging times in anyones life that can bring up a lot of unresolved issues, limiting beliefs and deep seeded patterns of self-rejection.

These times are actually VERY valuable because they give you the opportunity to really heal your destructive thoughts and feelings and transcend them into new ways of being that are extremely empowering.

Sara, the woman I was speaking with, had previously visited a healer and was told she had all these personality flaws that needed fixing, mental and emotional blocks to clear, and many things wrong with her.

This left Sarah feeling hopeless, depressed, and defeated.

My insight for her? I told her, “Be very careful who and what you let into your mind. If you don’t take control of your thoughts, someone else will.”

Have you ever noticed how many people project unsolicited advice onto you, and always seem to know exactly what you SHOULD be doing?

Friends, family, “coaches,” healers – the really like to tell you what to do and project their own limitations onto you. It’s often their own unwillingness to do their own work, take responsibility for their own lives, and do what they need to be doing in order to change the things they need to be doing.

HERE IS THE TRUTH: YOU are the only person who has those answers for yourself. A good coach and a good teacher will always help YOU align with your own truth so YOU arrive at your own answers. This is the only way that you will feel solid in your path.

Now living life from this place is not for the faint of heart. It takes great courage to think for yourself and then to act upon it. It takes a lot of guts to say no to people and instead stay true to yourself. It takes confidence and belief in yourself to walk your path and live true to your heart…

To do those things you have been really wanting to do but deathly afraid of.

I get it -because I LIVE it every day. And guess what? IF things go sideways, there is nothing to blame. It’s only me, and that means I get to clean up, pivot, re-evaluate.

I get to take full responsibility for every single element.

And thank GOD, because you know what? I’d have it NO other way. I know the pain of NOT living true to myself, to NOT following my heart, to doing what everyone else told me I should do, or what they thought I should want to do.

Ya know what? Following that path is way too painful, and FAR more painful than taking the leap to follow my dreams, to believe in myself, to take charge of ALL of the thoughts in my mind and the emotions I allow to swirl.

The nagging, dull, ever present ache of living “what if” or allowing other peoples projections and judgments and limitation to impact my experience is WAY WORSE and far more TOXIC AND HARMFUL than thinking for myself, taking control of my thoughts, carving my own path, and staying true to me.

So… be careful what you allow into your mind and what you allow to dictate your choices and your behavior. The pain will add up and become unbearable, and when you take the reigns, expect blessings and empowerment greater than you could ever imagine.

If you need some assistance getting out of the cycle of allowing other people’s opinion’s and thoughts and judgments to dominate your mind and leave you feeling exhausted and depleted.

If you find yourself not living the life you dream about because you are too busy being controlled by other peopels expectations of you and unconscious behaviors, you can schedule a discover call with me.

We will dive in, clear uyp the air, and get you on the path that is right for YOU and only YOU.

You can book that HERE.

When you take a step back and look at your belief system you are actually able to re-write them and align them with what is right for you. It’s a process and it takes great courage. Thinking for yourself means going against the grain, telling people “no,” and letting go of things that keep you stuck. When you do this it’s truly the most liberating and exciting thing that you can do for yourself.

So with all of this being said, I just want to ask you, are your thoughts true to yourself? Are you living true to you? Take control of your own mind or else someone else will! If you need some help getting started, get yourself the help you need HERE.

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