The Biggest Lesson in Life: Committing to yourself and your highest path…

The Biggest Lesson in Life: Committing to yourself and your highest path…

The Biggest Lesson in Life: Committing to yourself and your highest path… 150 150 nykkihardin

I have a great story to share.  And I know it will inspire to to take action in whatever it is you want in your life. 

I see soooo many people that have amazing dreams, or that have visions for themselves and goals for their health. Yet they delay and delay and delay… and as they delay, the pain builds and builds until it becomes so painful they can no longer take it.

My hope is that you stop the delay of always keeping your dreams one arms length away, and instead wake up and bring them to fruition starting today. Whatever you can conceive, you can create.

I started working with a new coaching client, let’s call her Sally.  Sally had taken an early retirement package and is in the process of reinvention.  She wanted to open a franchise but her application was rejected.  This was frustrating because she KNEW it was her purpose.  

She had a lot of unprocessed feelings about this and it triggered old pain and negative beliefs. I told her no problem, we will work on both the inner stuff that was feeling rejected, defeated and frustrated, and the outer stuff so she would get clear in the next phase of her career.

She was also struggling with self-trust and listening to and following her intuition.  She had been studying all the Spiritual tools and doing all the work, but nothing seemed to help and the old emotions and thoughts seemed to keep recycling. 

I’d been there, and completely understood, so it is kinda my zone of genius. No problem, let’s rewire your brain and put an end to that so you are clear in exactly what is and is not right for you AND have the confidence to act upon it.  

Now, before we started our coaching together, she decided she wanted to do 21 Cleanse, my 21 Day therapeutic grade, organic herbal detox program, because she didn’t feel like herself and wanted a reset. 

Just before we started our coaching, I received an email from Sally that 21 Cleanse had completely changed her life and helped her commit to herself, and that she had been approved for the franchise that she had earlier been denied!!!

I asked to write a few words about what happened, and here’s what she sent:

“Not to be dramatic, but here’s how the 21 Cleanse changed my life.  I had been meaning to eat better/feel better/be better/do better but who has the time for all that?  As it turns out, I had recently taken an early retirement package (yay!!) and suddenly had plenty of time for all that (yay???).   I realized that I was in what could possibly be one of the happiest phases of my life, where I had the time and the freedom to choose who I wanted to be next.  But I wasn’t feeling happiness at all.  I was low on energy, unclear, unmotivated and just not feelin’ it.  And I needed to get my $hit together before the severance ran out.

Enter Nykki and her 21 Day Cleanse.  I had a feeling this would give me a clean slate, a different starting point.  I expected it to change my body but I did not expect it to change my whole outlook on life.   Let me out myself here: I drank two Cokes a day (not Diet) for years.  I was a vegetarian who ate mostly carbs and junk food.  Back in the day, I *may* even have been a smoker.  I was experiencing chronic migraines, daily headaches, and pain in most of my joints, but especially in my neck.  I could predict the weather with these knees.

A week before the cleanse started, I cut back a little on the Coke and carbs in order to prepare.  I was nervous about going cold turkey on the sugar.  Here’s where it gets weird – it was way easier than I thought.  I had been planning to allow myself to cheat if need be, but it wasn’t even a thing. I didn’t have any caffeine withdrawal headaches or sugar cravings —  and I kind of don’t even know why.   I started to look forward to taking the products and then I felt happy because I was choosing to take care of myself, and momentum was building in that.  On Day 9, it rained and I was surprised – I never felt it coming.  My joints felt 100% better.  On Day 10, I realized that my neck and head didn’t hurt, which was something I hadn’t experienced in years.

I admit that I had to get used to the taste of some of the tonics.  I was in the process of drinking one when a friend looked at me and said “Commit!!”  She was half-teasing but when I heard that word, something clicked.  I realized I didn’t want to cheat, I wanted to succeed.  I wanted to continue to feel better.  I wanted to commit — to the cleanse, to feeling better, to feeling healthy,  to taking care of my body, to myself, to my own life.  And so I did.  “

In our first session, she shared that two weeks into the cleanse she received a marketing email from the franchise company and despite all the negative blah, blah, blah swirling around in her head, she decided to respond to the email to solicit her desire to open her own store.

She said, “My body just did it despite what my brain was saying.”  (this is one of the magic bullets of the JUICE of the cleanse!  Your body just knows, it is so intelligent, and so it goes!)

Within a matter of minutes she had a response from the FOUNDER of the company, a call booked two days later, and before the end of the week was approved to open her own franchise!

This is what I know:
1.  The universe works in mysterious ways.

2.  The universe ALWAYS honors self care and anything you do that involves investing in yourself.  

So whatever you’ve been thinking about – stop thinking and just do it.  This is YOUR life, and you are worth it!  When you do, you can expect miracles!!

Are you ready to wipe the slate clean, hit the reset button, and finally feel like yourself again?  Check out my 21 Cleanse – it is a silver bullet.  You can do that HERE.

Feeling fed up with repeating patterns of behavior and recycling old unprocessed emotions and thought patterns that keep you limited, stuck and unhappy?

Think about how these are affecting your life, your relationships, your success.  Ugh.  Not pretty.  Let’s put an end to that.    

Schedule a call and let’s see what we can do so you finally take care of yourself in a new and more meaningful way, and make the choices that are aligned with your highest purpose and potential.

You can schedule your call HERE.  

Hope you feel inspired and are living the life of your dreams!


PS- A great way to set yourself up for success is with powerful morning rituals. I have a great download for that – you can grab it here: MORNING RITUALS.

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