Let’s talk about the spiritual side of detox. This is the juicy stuff and it is what I LIVE for. Now I am a bit “out there” in this video because I had just finished an hour of channeling, but I felt called to make this video and share it with you. ENJOY! And let me know what Spiritual Opportunities are available for you right now.
Knowing that we are Spirit first and body/mind second, it is understandable to recognize that the aches and pains and disease you are experiencing are actually Spiritual opportunities.
YES, Detox is hands down the most important health tool we have at this time in our evolution because of the toxic soup kitchen we live in and feed our body. But when you do detox correctly, you will experience this other side to it that’s all about spirituality.
This spiritual side shows you all of the places inside of yourself and all of the life circumstances that you are experiencing where you are not being true to yourself.
And when you detox, you are in a mindset and energetic direction of only doing what is right for you and aligning your body and your mind and your life with your highest vibrational path.
Usually when someone comes to me, not only are they not taking very good care of themselves nutritionally, they’re also lacking in self esteem and self worth.
This is because they are not doing what is right for them and their lack of prioritizing their health is a reflection of how they are feeling about themself and how they are treating themself – inside and out.
I’m going to share with you a very special story about a woman who came to me with thyroid issues. She had her thyroid removed and was experiencing hormonal imbalance despite having the best care possible. She literally could not get out of bed because her hormones were all over the place and her doctor and bio identical hormone specialist did not know what to do.
We decided that she should give my 21 Cleanse a shot and literally within a week she was on the treadmill and her hormone panel came back perfect. Her specialist was so shocked that she demanded a meeting with me, bought my cleanse, and took me to lunch.
At this same exact time in her healing, my client woke up to the fact she was actually in a very toxic marriage. She didn’t know it before but she had this awakening and realized how negative her husband was and how he didn’t really care to see her succeed in life.
What I’m getting at here is, when you rid your body of the toxins it helps you wake up and realize what’s toxic in your thoughts and feelings, as well as what is toxic in your life.
With the newfound awareness, you have the confidence and strength to make new choices that are more aligned with who you are, what you want, and what is right for you. You are confident to speak your truth and do so from a very loving place.
If you are finding there is space in your Soul that needs cleansing, if you know you have not been true to yourself and are not making good choices, if you are ready to align with your highest path and live your highest purpose, check out my 21 Cleanse. It will support you in living from the peaceful, positive, strong place inside of yourself that is confident and loving and being true to you. You can check out my cleanse on my website.
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