Why nutrition consults are a waste of time

Why nutrition consults are a waste of time

Why nutrition consults are a waste of time 705 415 nykkihardin

I’ve been coaching people in nutrition for almost 25 years now, and let me tell you, I think it is a waste of time.

The fact is, most people want the education of how to eat healthy, but they don’t actually want to do it.

In todays blog, I share what I’ve learned thru all the years of being a devotee of optimum health and healing.  I share how your behavior is your biggest obstacle, and why full body detox – when done the right way – is far more effective than any nutrition consultation.

Since I created my own cleanse company, formulated my own products, and put together my 21 Cleanse Kits, I actually help people get results, and fast.  THIS is the most rewarding ever – and it is what you actually need in order to kickstart yourself into a healthy lifestyle.

Watch the video, enjoy and drop me a comment to share your opinion. 

A question I get a lot is, “do you do nutrition consultations?” And the answer is – only in very, very limited scenarios….

Like when I am working with someone with cancer or a serious health situation. Why? because they are actually willing to take action.

The fact is, most people don’t want to do anything different than they already are, but they want to feel better. So getting the nutrition consult is like the little hit that makes them feel better for themselves for a short period of time.

But do they actually get into action? Nope. Or they do for a very short time and then go right back to the wine, the sugar, the coffee, etc.

Until they do my detox – they are focused and ready to pull the trigger, they have structure to get started and they can wrap their head around the commitment, they have the products to get in their body and pull the crap out that creates the chemical addiction, and they have the accountability and support they need to succeed.

My entire life people have been coming to me for help with their nutrition. They want to feel better, think clearer, sleep better, lose the stubborn weight…. And after I tell them exactly what to do, they go home and do the same thing they were doing before. Hmmm…..

Then I experienced the power of full body detox. Wow, what a game changer. Not only was my brain crystal clear and photographic, my psychic abilities and manifestation abilities went thru the roof.

My body let go of all the physical addiction, and even the unprocessed emotions that keep me reaching for sugar left my psyche.

I wanted to share this experience with the world – so people could have this same experience in their day to day life, so I created my own therapeutic grade, organic herbal supplements, and put together my 21 Cleanse.

When you have the right ingredients like I’ve integrated into my 21 cleanse, you can eliminate the cravings and actually begin to change the food that’s being consumed in you day to day life, eventually breaking old habits and replacing them with new ones.

You also need to repair the damage that all the toxins did to your organs, cells and tissues, and bring the body back into a start of homeostasis and optimization.

That is the beauty of having a real, full body detox that has top shelf herbal supplements, a strategic plant based food program, and strategic timing of all of the above.

If you want to change your habits, consider the power of full body detox – it will shock the system and set a new foundation for success

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