“Nykki’s Cleanse totally changed my life. I feel healthy, have more energy, and have lost 40 lbs in 5 months. With the help of Nykki, I have shifted the dead weight in every area of my life and I’m happy. Not only that I have seen the transformation within me as a person. I have clarity, peace, and have opened my heart to the world. I have regained strength, held my head up high, and walked my path of what I believe to be true.”

Lisa Williams

“Nykki’s Cleanse completely changed my life. I had twin boys and could never lose the baby weight. I completed the cleanse, lost 13 lbs. and continue to lose weight, have more energy, clarity, am more positive, and feel the BEST I have ever felt. It was easier than I thought! Nykki was an amazing coach through the journey and was readily available whenever I needed her. Thank you Nykki for introducing me to this lifetime opportunity, I am forever grateful!”

Summer Edwards

“I did Nykki’s cleanse to mark a new stage of my life. While I was interested in the health benefits of cleansing, I was more intrigued by its power to break down your physical and mental blocks. I lost 4kg without even trying, had radiant skin, and started sleeping like a baby, but the real benefits for me were in my business. I started the cleanse and had no clients, or any in the pipeline. By the end of the cleanse I had three new clients, and one of these jobs turned into a three-month project totaling over $10,000! If you’re ready to kick your health and your manifesting into overdrive, than definitely contact Nykki – I can’t recommend her highly enough.”

Jacqui Pretty, Melbourne Australia

“Before I worked with Nykki, I was always eating sugar day in and day out. I went with the VIP program, which was amazing as Nykki gave me an educational tour at Whole foods showing me exactly the types of food I should eat and avoid. Nykki really educated me in the process about how to select the healthy choices. I was able to stay away from sugar for the entire month. Furthermore, I noticed myself having MUCH better mental clarity. I can even SEE better! Without the sugar now, I don’t even “sugar coat” when I talk! How amazing is that! I just notice my entire being shifting in a more clear direction. This is a POWERFUL cleanse. I lost weight during the cleanse, but the most important thing was to get off of this crazy addiction. Nykki, you are changing the world one cleanse at a time!”

Xixi Cheng

“Loved this! I did this cleanse and had amazing results. The best part was it was not painful, no fasting, no hunger, not difficult. I lost about 10 lbs over the 3 weeks and after. Nykki gives personalized attention and is always available. She is not so hard core that it’s intimidating, she makes it easy. I even went out for dinner a few nights without any problems. Highly recommend!”

Martha McCully

“I went from 63kg to 60 kg – and lost 2 dress sizes. It was more exciting AFTER the cleanse as I continued to lose weight and my body better metabolized so I could spot reduce cellulite. The emotional benefits from the cleanse let me connect to the deeper stuff that was lurking beneath the surface so I could see it and let it go – just like I shed the extra weight. And the ODDEST benefit was I had MORE energy to exercise while on the cleanse! The whole food gave me MORE energy and the tonics made me feel lighter – so I could work out more and enjoy the workout instead of carrying all those toxins! How many diets do you go on – where you actually continue losing weight AFTER the diet finishes? That’s why the Nykki’s Cleanse is a must!”

Angela Ambrosia, Australia

“Nykki rocks!!! I did her cleanse and feet fantastic. I am sleeping better, am much calmer, and even my relationship with my husband is better because I am not a nervous wreck and don’t react like I used to when he says something irritating. I loved the skype calls with her and the support she gives. She is an inspiration. I also was able to release ten pounds that wouldn’t budge!!!”

Marla Martenson

“Nykki’s vast knowledge of holistic nutrition and passionate drive to enable each individual to strive for optimum health is what drew me to her cleanse, knowing that this passion would craft elixirs for the soul. Her herbal tinctures are not the only amazing part of her cleanse. As an active person, Nykki’s Cleanse allowed me to continue training. I was not starving myself for optimum health, but rather learning to love each morsel of delicious food I put in my mouth. The way she structured her cleanse allowed me to feel supported and invigorated every step of the way. If you wish to gain clarity or find closure in your life, Nykki’s tinctures are not only magic for the organs, but bring clarity of mind and spirit. Her cleanse not based on the latest fad, but rather a solid, new way of life.”

Deborah Bacher, South Africa

“Prior to working with Nykki, I was experiencing a considerable amount of challenges in my personal life including financial stress, dealing with the death of a parent, wedding planning, job stress, and just trying to balance everything that was happening in my life. I went into Nykki’s Cleanse wanting to make major changes to my life and to face my challenges in ways that are supportive rather than destructive.

The cleanse brought out a lot of emotions I no longer needed to hold on to. I started to make choices on a daily basis that were nurturing to myself. I enjoyed being on a cleanse that allowed me to eat until I was full. My head is clearer, eyes are brighter, and my skin looks clearer. I rarely have food cravings.

Nykki is great! She is always available to support you. I could not do something like this without the structure that Nykki gives you and the support and help she provides. The grocery shopping trip with Nykki was very helpful in being educated on new foods, new ways to cook, and getting some beginners tips. Working with Nykki has really helped me to change my eating habits and educated me on cooking with unprocessed nutritionally dense foods. Eating this way became a culinary adventure. Nykki’s Cleanse really resets your life and gives you a blank slate so you can fill in new habits. Thank you Nykki!”

Paul Chivabunditt

“During the cleanse I felt a lot of things being lifted. Pleasantly surprised, this experience had me feeling lighter and happier. After the cleanse is when I really started appreciating the new perspective. This ‘Cleanse Consciousness’ has proven to be very enlightening. It’s like having a different conversation… It is as if I was able to remove all the ‘eating’ mind games that had been buzzing in my head… Constantly battling which caused stress & confusion… leading me to becoming deaf to what was genuinely significant. I’ve learned through this the joy of that simple phrase: ‘I eat to live… I do not live to eat.'”

R. Sanchez

“I am a middle age, fairly active woman, with extra weight in all the normal places. Much to my surprise, not only did I drop 12 pounds with no exercise just following the program, but I had a considerable shift in consciousness. With Nykki’s Program….the weight loss became a by product, an awesome bonus! I was actually more focused on my nutrition, mental and physical state. I was calmer, clearer, more focused and just plain ole happier. Nykki’s Cleanse is an amazing Journey to the Truth – Your Truth! It has become an integrated part of my thought process and life. Thank You Dawwln Nykki. You are a bright Jewel on the Crown of Life!”

Jesse Dodd

“Down 15 lbs., I walk with a spring in my step. It is akin to graduation, or a committed marriage, a consciousness shifting 2 weeks that have been a lifetime in the making. Being let out of the waiting room by my own self. I want to thank you for the input, support and love coming through the program and your energies.”

Lorena Petani

“I chose to do this particular cleanse because I wanted to literally “reset myself”. I had poor eating/exercise habits and this cleanse literally changed my life. Flushing the toxins out of my system resulted in a positive attitude and gave me the energy I needed to move forward and take control of my life. Thank you, Nykki, for sharing your fantastic product with us!”

Christine Pavlina

“I felt more upbeat and calm with my family. More centered I guess you could say. I also lost ten pounds, which was awesome. I also have noticed that when I attempted to eat junk food again my body reacted immediately in a very negative way. So that has definitely been a plus to help stay on track with healthy foods.”

Kari Davis, Salem, OR

“I decided to do a cleanse because I felt full of inflammation from food, stress and life! I ended up feeling energized, had less physical aches and pains and was excited about the foods I was nourishing my body with. It was an excellent reminder to me in how important it is to nourish ourselves on the inside out!”

Erin Hoar